Something for the Earth Foundation (Costa Rica)

This project's story begins with an anecdote from October 7th, 2017, the day Costa Rica national soccer team qualified for the World Cup in Russia. I was exactly at San Pedro’s round-about, where the fountain of La Hispanidad is located, a well-known spot for crowds to gather and celebrate after sporting and social events. In the middle of the crowd, I noticed the garbage accumulating on the floor, inside the fountain, on the bridge and sidewalks. It really shocked me. So, the following day I returned to the place carrying garbage bags and gloves very much determined to pick up all trash before rain started, and washed it all away ending in the river close to the city. A couple of guys who saw me decided to join and were later followed by 10 more. The help multiplied rapidly and made possible to clean up the place in 45 mins just before rain started. I was very satisfied with the accomplishment and realized that good actions are contagious, and became aware of the possibilities to initiate change. So right after, I initiated a volunteer group that organizes urban clean ups in different parts of the city. Since then, we have grown to become a non-profit organization sponsored by conscious allies and partners who understand the importance of the work we do, to preserve the city and its outdoor.